Parameters of Space Open Space Gallery installation Bill Blair photo

Parameters of Space Open Space Gallery installation Bill Blair photo 8.5‘x10‘x12’

Parameters of Space Dalhousie Art Gallery installation David McKenzie photo

Parameters of Space Contemporary Art Museum, Houston
69 film transparencies laminated and grommeted
suspended as 3 hanging screens
69 film transparencies laminated and grommeted
suspended as 3 hanging screens
John Taylor's Parameters of Space plays games with our conventional understanding of the term space, in a room not created of solid walls and real furniture, but of black and white laminated transparencies. His photographic installation permits the viewer to look at and through what he understands about living space, testing his perception of what is and what seems to be.
Taylor was inspired by Buckminster Fuller's premise that the rational multiple of the unit length of any semi-axis intercepted by a crystal plane determines its position with reference to the fundamental form.
• Contemporary Art Museum, Houston
• Dalhousie University Art Gallery, Halifax, NS
• A Space Gallery, Toronto
• Oak Hill Foundation Gala, Austin TX
• Malaspina University, Madrona Art Centre, Nanaimo, BC
• Open Space Gallery, Victoria BC
• Alberni Valley Museum, Port, Alberni, BC
• Contemporary Art Museum, Houston
• Dalhousie University Art Gallery, Halifax, NS
• A Space Gallery, Toronto
• Oak Hill Foundation Gala, Austin TX
• Malaspina University, Madrona Art Centre, Nanaimo, BC
• Open Space Gallery, Victoria BC
• Alberni Valley Museum, Port, Alberni, BC
Copyright 2021 • John Taylor Photography • All Rights Reserved